Friday, December 21, 2012

INTRODUCTION – Have you ever agreed to do something, and then thought, “What was I thinking!” That is a little bit how I feel with committing to read the Bible in One Year. It is exciting and little intimidating, that is how I would describe what I am feeling as I not only set out to read the Bible in One Year, but also commit to publicly blog about it.

WHAT WILL YOU FIND ON THIS BLOG? I am reading the Bible in a devotional manner. That simply means that before I read it I say a short prayer asking God to speak to me through His Word. Each day I will post some remarks.

My remarks are intended to be a reflection about how a part of the passage has spoken to me. Sometimes those reflections will be long, and at other times short. I might also share an explanation or an opinion about a specifically difficult passage (or point you in a direction where you might find some help). Finally, at times I will share with you how I am doing with this daily discipline of reading the Bible. When am I doing it, where am I doing it, when it is exciting and when it is like being in the desert.

RESOURCES – I am using an English Standard Version of the Bible and I am also using How to Read The Bible Book by Book by Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm in although it is a daunting endeavor. I will use the ESV also and I have the Fee and Stuart book.

  3. Yes this will big a big adventure for me. Since I am unemployed I can’t say I don’t have time to read more Scripture. Already read the Genealogy of Jesus once today. For me to read that more than once a day is too much. What I am going to try to do for now is to do you assigned reading before I start working on the computer for job searching. I will try to leave a short comment ever now and then.
    Here is my short comment today. Many years ago you showed us a video and I forget what the odds of the creation being so perfect if a person believe in the big bang theory. I know you are a lot better with numbers that I am. Yes I know I could do a search on it.

  4. Hi Terry,

    This is great you are joining us on this adventure!

  5. I love the visual of God stooping down and getting dirty to create us. He is always approaching and seeking us out to the extreme of sending his Son to die for us. How very humbling.
