Friday, April 5, 2013

DAY 95
1 Samuel 1, 2 & 3 and Luke 8:26 - 56
Today we begin reading 1st Samuel. The Bible contains four books, 1st & 2nd Samuel and 1st & 2nd Kings, that when taken together will take us through the yet to be formed monarchy of Israel at the time of Samuel, approximately 930 BC, to the demise of the monarchy in 567 BC.
Before we get to today’s readings, let me share a few thoughts. These books are full of amazing events and people. So rich are the stories that it is easy to miss some important themes that will continue for these 400 years.
Ø  You will note the theme of the barren women and the choosing of the lesser son that we were presented with in Genesis: it continues in these books. Today the story of Hannah and Samuel is an example and this theme will continue all the way to the New Testament with the story of both Elizabeth and Mary.
Ø  The books provide the story of transition, from a theocracy to a monarchy. In a theocracy the people follow God and His Law. In a monarchy the king is suppose to serve, not as autonomous, but rather to mediate God’s rule: watch for the times this happens.
Ø  In “near-East” tradition the king is considered to both be an embodiment of the people and also represents the nature of the deity: again watch for how this plays out.
Ø  What we will read about is the constant tension between the king advancing his own causes and concerns, those of the monarchy, as compared to those of the Covenant.
Ø  Lastly the theme of worship of the True God, or lack thereof, will continue to be before us.
As we begin this journey, we read in 1 Samuel 1-3 a wonderful story of the birth and calling of Samuel. There is something about a barren woman bearing a child that warms the heart. Hannah’s husbands love for her is touching. Hannah’s vow to God, to give up her son is startling to the 21st century mind.
The interplay of God’s hand upon Hannah resulting in her conceiving a child, and Hannah’s faithfulness in following through on her vow is powerful. Who would not, after having bore a son, not gone back and renegotiated with God?
The result is Samuel, the last of the Judges of Israel. All Israel will respect him. He is immediately contrasted with Eli’s sons; Eli who thought Hannah drunk. In a moment of great courage, Eli accepts God’s judgment.
The call of Samuel, the interplay of God’s action and now Samuel’s faith, leads to an answer – “Here I am Lord”. Samuel’s story has become many people’s story over the centuries. They, like Samuel, have experienced the interplay of God’s action with their faith.
This interplay of people expressing faith and God acting is the standard modus operandi for Jesus. In each of the episodes we find Jesus acting as people express faith – and the results…amazing. Where might God be reaching out to you, and what might your (and my) answer be?

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