Sunday, December 29, 2013

DAY 363
Zechariah 9, 10, 11, & 12 and Revelation 20
THE MILLENNIUM—we read about in Revelation 20. The scene, Scene 7 actually spans from 19:11 and carries through to 21:8. The title of this scene is The Drama Behind History and that title gives some insight into how I see this chapter.
The text is fairly straightforward (relatively speaking). First in 19:11 Christ enters on a horse. The armies of the beast and the kings of the world gather against him. We see the defeat of these armies, the beast and false prophet. Then we come to chapter 20 where Satan is bound and thrown into captivity for “1,000 years.” This is a period when Christ reigns on earth, and then after that there is one more battle with Satan and he is ultimately defeated and thrown into the burning lake of sulfur. There is the final judgment. Finally there is this magnificent scene where a new heaven descends to a new earth and God makes his dwelling with humankind. As I said (a little tongue in cheek) fairly straightforward.
But there is a question: When does all this happen? Has it happened? Will it happen? Or is it happening? The answer to that question is a matter of opinion—really we do not as humans have a final answer. I could easily write about 2,000 words on the three different views of “when.” One view is called “pre-millennial” and from the title you can guess that the people who hold to this opinion view that it has not happened yet, and they wait for Christ’s return and then the “1,000 year” reign. Then there is the “post-millennial” and those who hold that opinion believe that the “1,000 year” reign will happen after Christ’s return (and so when does the 1,000 years begin). Then there are those with the “a-millennial” view. These folks see this as a drama unfolding behind and intertwined with the drama of our world. The title of this scene might give you some insight into my opinion…but guess what, I don’t want to talk about those views!
Now that I have used over 340 words to get to this point, what do I want to talk about? I want to talk about the “what” of this text. Not “when” does this happen, but rather “what does the text tell us happens”? The answer is that God wins! We have known this, but again picture yourself in a theater. A figure comes out on a giant white horse. You recognize him as Jesus. You see in the distance the enemy amassed, snarling at him. (I have in my mind one of the recent Lord of the Rings movies). The battle ensues and Christ is victorious.
You think it is over, but then something even more hideous than the beast appears…Satan appears. Notice we do not get a detailed description, just a statement about the dragon who is Satan. Satan is bound and thrown into an abyss. Somehow we have a sense that it is for a long time. But then Satan reappears one more time for one last conflict, and again God is supreme.
Then a remarkable thing happens…a new heaven descends upon a new earth and God makes his dwelling with humankind. As you come to the close of reading the Bible you have re-entered the Garden where the story all began.

As I said, I care less about “when” and more that this “what” actually is promised by God. You and I know there is trouble in this world. There is sickness and disease, violence and pain, injustice and anger…and more. We know that Christ has come and provided us hope and a path home, but the world is still struggling to get free of the death grip Satan has on it. Scene 7 shows us that someday this will take place. AMEN and ALLELUIA.

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