Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DAY 64
Numbers 32, 33 & 34 and Mark 9:30-50
It takes a lot to change. We read the continuing story of Israel and we see that after the battle Rueben and Gad want to settle in the land. Moses is quick to remind them of the past. He seems a bit exasperated with them as he says then in 32:14 that “you have risen in your father’s place, a brood of sinful men.” Fortunately the situation turns out better as they agree to stay and help the other tribes. We then get again the story; on this occasion it is recounted from all the times they moved camp for the last 40 years. I cannot begin to imagine what this was like.
My belief is that throughout these 40 years God is seeking to teach people to trust him and to trust His Ways. For my ways are not your ways, nor my thoughts your thoughts says the Lord…Isaiah 55:8.
Messiah Jesus is facing the same situation. His disciples view him as Messiah; which is not the same as Son of God. A messiah in their day and age was a political figure who would kick out the Romans and re-establish the great nation of Israel. So if you were in the “inner circle” of the next leader of a nation, which cabinet post would you like? That is a little of what is going on as the disciples walk with Jesus to Capernaum.
And like Moses, Jesus again begins teaching his disciples (alone v. 9:31). They were having trouble understanding. It is easy for us to have “20-20 hindsight” and realize Jesus does not fit the standard political messiah mold, and wonder why they don’t understand. The reality is that their idea of messiah is so dominant a theme in their world that it will not be until Pentecost that the “penny will drop” and it will make sense.
For now they are confused. Jesus is telling them seemingly crazy things. They need to be like children. When they are engaged in proclaiming the Kingdom of God there is no need to compete with others (that isn't very military where everyone is in a hierarchy). And, if their conduct is going to lead the littlest of children astray then they are to take the direst of actions to prevent that from happening – cut off an arm! None of these actions seem like actions of someone who is about to raise an army and take on Rome!
It would seem there is a question from both the Old and New Testament for us – so what dominant themes in our life prevent the message of God, of Jesus, from penetrating us? I worry that we have mixed the culture of Western success with the Gospel. “Follow Jesus and everything will be OK!” seems to be one of “Gospels” of our day. If I am honest I have to admit that there is a bit of "that Gospel” in me. I’m trying to follow Jesus, after all I am blogging about the Bible! Surely God will make my life OK!
Then I come to my senses, I say to myself, “Really David, what part of take up your cross and follow me don’t you understand.”
The Israelites were following God not so their lives would be wonderful. They were the Chosen People – Chosen to make known the One True Living God to the world. Jesus came to earth to not only make God known, but to fulfill the Covenant made in Genesis 15 and eliminate every obstacle between God and humankind. For those who follow Jesus we have become Ambassadors for Christ – so the world will know the love of Messiah Jesus.

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