Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DAY 275
Isaiah 11, 12 & 13 and Ephesians 4
Today I am going to comment on Isaiah 11 & 12 and leave 13 for tomorrow; that is a more logical place to make the split. One other little detail before we get started, Isaiah in the text we read today has referred to the northern kingdom, Israel, by one of its other names, Ephraim; I know it can be confusing but we have a few names for the U.S., the U.S.A., or America.
Why did I stop at chapter 12—because this chapter is the culmination of the first part of Isaiah. It begins with chapter 11 describing the rule of Messiah’s kingdom. The first 9 verses give a general sense and then 10-16 giving more particulars. The images are powerful—the wolf dwelling with the lamb, the lion with the calf…universal peace. Isaiah looks past the issues of his own day and casts the vision for the ages.
What do you make of the stump of Jesse? Jesse is David’s, King David’s, father. God has promised that someone from David’s line will always be on the throne. This prophecy reaches back to that promise and asserts God’s faithfulness, as Judah (the historic portion of David’s kingdom) is about to be lost. Isaiah says, “a shoot will come” and “the root of Jesse will stand as a signal…” For me there is humbleness in this image of something coming from a stump…it is also an image of hope. When I look at a stump I mostly see past life, but when a shoot, a branch, is coming up out of it, there is a sense of hope…our God is a God of hope…especially in the dark moments.

You no doubt have faced dark moments. There is darkness in the situation Israel is facing. This passage functions at both a personal level and a global level. Personally God is faithful; he does not forget his remnant. Globally, ultimately the Holy One will dwell in the midst of his people (12:6). But for now let me ask you a question, in 11:10 we read that “In that day the root of Jesse…and his resting place shall be glorious.” Isaiah is prophesying about the future, but where is the root of Jesse’s resting place TODAY? I would suggest it is in the heart of those who believe. Let all those voices and vices the wrestle for your soul lay down in peace under the rule of the Messiah.

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