Thursday, May 30, 2013

DAY 150
2 Chronicles 10, 11 & 12 and John 11:30-57
Live Long & Prosper – Act 2: Yesterday I reflected about how Jesus really does want us to “live long and prosper.” I closed that blog with a statement that this kind of life was “a life of eternity and prosperity, not to be confused with worldly material goods, but of one that has the peace and joy of Almighty God…now and forever.”
The question that this sort of a statement begs is how? (Christians are often making such statements). Who wouldn’t want a life of peace and joy – so how?
Here we need to first be grasped by the intensity of Jesus’ love for us. In today’s reading we read the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” Jesus’ love for us cannot be overstated, but for many people “religion” seems to be about a list of “teachings” or “doctrines” or “beliefs.” Look again at Martha and Mary in this passage. Their unadulterated love for Jesus is evident. They would do anything for Him. Why? Because they have a deep relationship with Him…they trust Him. This “thing” with Jesus, call it religion if you like, starts with relationship.
It is from that relationship – that a life of prosperity, a life of peace and joy, a life of following God – flows. Consider the Old Testament today. You have read this history before. Solomon dies and the history of Israel and Judah seem to breakdown into a series of would be kings seeking their own glory. Most will not serve God; most will serve themselves – they will be pursuing “all the good things of life” and in the process they will lose their lives.
Jesus has said exactly this very thing – if chase after your life you will lose it – if you give up your life you will find it. He said this more than once: Matthew 10:39 & 16:25 and Luke 9:24 & 17:33.
How can we be sure? Besides looking at the witness of the Old Testament look at Jesus today. He raises Lazarus from the dead. This is not a resurrection, this is more a resuscitation; regardless Jesus has power over death because HE IS LIFE, he has said exactly this to us.
To walk this path can be more than a little scary. It can mean trusting Jesus for all sorts of things, consider:
1.      How you use your money; the American dream says bigger house, bigger car, etc. All of which require you to work more to chase more of a dream someone else has envisioned for you – does this yield peace and joy?
2.      How you use your time; besides the hours working to achieve #1, your energy can be focused in ways that again may call into question whether you have peace and joy?
I could go on. Immediately I am worried that this is feeling like a “to-do” list of religion – that is not the point. Wealthy and busy people can follow Jesus and have peace and joy; it requires having the relationship and offering to follow and trust Him.
Taking such a step can lead immediately to fear. The Pharisees of Jesus day became afraid, so much so they wanted to kill Him. This is the battle we face each day. It is a battle over life and death: Jesus says “choose life, follow me.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your words on keeping the "main thing" the "main thing". Too often we get caught up in the world's pursuits and forget what is important. Both of my daughters had things happen to them this week that were upsetting. I shared with them this day's reflection which states so well what are hearts and minds should be concerned with.
