Tuesday, April 16, 2013

DAY 106
1 Samuel 30 & 31 and Luke 13:23 – 35
More adventures for David today and we also read of the death of Saul. Two items that caught my attention: first we read that David inquired of the Lord; we have not seen that for awhile. The next item is that some of his men want to punish those who got tired and did not go with them into battle, and David steps in and says, No!
My main thoughts go to this statement from Jesus, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (13:24)
Most folks today generally think everyone is going to heaven (save for some really bad people). The rationale is “after all, if God is love, why would he punish us whom He loves…” This attitude is rampant in our society today, after all, to tell people they are going to that other place…well that is just at best impolite and at worst downright judgmental. After all, doesn’t the Bible say judge not lest you be judged? (It does in Matthew 7:1).
We are not to judge. That does not mean everyone is spending eternity with God. Jesus in many places talks about the reality of heaven and hell. There is the story of the Rich man and a poor man who lies at gate where the dogs lick his wounds (Luke 16:19-31) which clearly establishes these two places. There is Jesus in Matthew talking about how at the end Jesus will “separate the sheep from the goats” in 25:31-46. There are other places where Jesus says things such as “if you deny me on earth, I will deny you before my father.” The point of all this is simple…the Bible does not say “everybody is going to heaven”…it is not there. You and I may want that sentiment; we just cannot establish it on the basis of Scripture.
Striving to enter through the Narrow Door leads some people to think that it is all about “doing good.” Now “doing good” is…well…good! It is not however what leads to eternity with God.
If we look at the text the first thing we need to appreciate is that Jesus, when he is asked a question about eternity is being asked it by Jewish people. Jesus’ answer would shock them. He drives that point home by making the analogy that even thought they have had dinner together, i.e. they are part of the family, they may not get in. Others will! People who are not Jewish; those from east and west.
So he tells them to strive to enter by the Narrow Door; which door is that? He is the door…he is the gate. In John chapter 10 Jesus explicitly says he is the gate. The point is simple, Jesus is the way, and He says strive because for many it will be hard to believe, all sorts of “things” will get in the way. I see that every day, people still struggle with this “door.” The key is to look past the church, look past religion, look past blogs…and look at Him, study Him and His Words in the New Testament, that is the path through the door. 

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