Saturday, February 23, 2013

DAY 54
Numbers 5 & 6 and Mark 4:1-20
Numbers chapter 5 & 6 are very much about “separation and sanctification”. This is the idea that the camp needed to be holy. In the first four chapters everyone was counted, organized, and even told where to camp. With the outward arrangement completed the task was now that of inward sanctification – the most complete example of that is a person who determines to spend their entire life “separate unto God”, a Nazarite.
Perhaps the most troubling portion of the text to our 21st century minds is the section on adultery. There is obvious disproportion as compared to our world. Where are the rules for a wife who might be suspicious of her husband being adulterous we might ask? We need to remind ourselves of the culture of the day. Often people reading this text will ascribe this inequality somehow to God. God in Genesis makes it clear that He created us male and female; equal yet different. It is mankind that over and over again has put people into rank classes. A close read of the offerings will note some key differences: not fine grain, but coarse barley; no leaven is mixed in because that would have implied guilt; no oil and frankincense was mixed in because that would indicate joy. In a male dominated world these laws limit the abuse a woman might have to endure. There will be (and is) a long way for the world to go to get to equality, but here we see God again trying to limit and shape this people.
Mark 4:1-20 is a fairly easy to blog about, after all Jesus explains the parable! I have been thinking that if the Word of God is the seed, then we have had a lot of seed spread upon us with having read Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. I have been wondering about which parts of God’s Word has taken root. I can’t imagine it all has. There is so much we are taking in that it is unreasonable to think we can absorb it and have it grow all at once. Which is why we will need to continue reading and hearing God’s Word (no doubt in smaller amounts). It will also allow time for the parts of me which are still stony, or thorny, or as hard as a path, to change. Let’s face it, I am not 100% good soil, and so there is more to do (here I will avoid the references to manure). Along the way God is faithful and will produce fruit in you.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. The blessing of God Almighty; Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon you this day and forever.


  1. Replies
    1. We will be reading Mark 4 in our Friday men's Bible Study tomorrow morning. Since it is a Mens study we will proably talk about the manure. LOL
