Sunday, August 18, 2013

DAY 231
Psalm 100, 101 & 102 and 1 Corinthians 1
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…” Psalm 100:1 – “I will sing of mercy and justice…” Psalm 101:1. These Psalms encourage us to praise God. Sometimes Psalm 100:1 is used when a few people become a little over excited, singing too loudly, and maybe even poorly…but the point of these Psalms is praise.
One of the things pastors and priests know is that people like good music in church…and that people often have strong opinions. What one group defines as “good” another might define as “noise.” There was a time when the organ was the modern and unwelcome instrument in the church. Then there was the night the organ broke and Silent Night was first played on a guitar. Funny how things change, yet really stay the same. Through these innovations some people would resist and only chant Psalms. Even today there are traditions where there are no instruments!
I personally enjoy a rather wide range of music both in church, and out. My attitude towards music is a little bit like what we read in the first letter of Corinthians today…that being “don’t let it divide you.” I won’t go through Corinthians with the rigor I went through Romans. Rather I will simply blog about what seems to catch my eye and heart. Today, what catches my eye is Paul encouraging people not to be divided over things…I would agree, especially about music.
I am not saying go to a service where you dislike the music, I am saying, please don’t feel like you are somehow superior. For God searches the heart (cf. Jeremiah 17:10, Psalm 139:23 and Romans 8:27). If people are worshipping God with their hearts, and they are doing it with a style of music that is like “nails on a chalkboard for you,” then I say, just practice grace and give thanks that there are people giving God praise.

As you read this today, I pray you have been to church, and yes, that you “made a joyful noise!”

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