Monday, August 26, 2013

DAY 239
Psalm 119:89-176 and 1 Corinthians 8
As you read 1 Corinthians 8 you might be thinking, “Haven’t I read this before?” The answer is yes—in Romans 14. We are reading letters; different letters written to different churches. It is not a surprise that while they are different, some of the things these chruches struggle with are the same. The text is remarkably full of common sense: Because there are no such things as real idols, when food is offered to an “idol” is not really begin offered to anything…so go ahead and eat it…unless of course you doing so will completely confuse another brother or sister.
Universally Paul’s advice is almost always developed by first doing the intellectual-theological work, and then asking how best to live it out, not for himself, but for others in the church.
How did Paul get to such a place? In large part God the Holy Spirit enlightened his mind. But Paul gave God a lot to work with…he, Paul, knew the Scriptures. He tells us elsewhere how and who he was trained by (Acts 22:3). When you and I read God’s Word, when we study it, when we listen to others preach about, when we go to church, when we receive the Sacraments, when we pray…and more…we give God something to really work with.
Today the Psalmist writes, “Oh, how I love your law! All the day long it is in my mind…it is sweeter than honey to my mouth**...” Having God’s Word in our minds allows God to further develop us. It really encourages me that you are reading this blog, and it encourages me even more that you are reading the Bible, for God’s Word is “a lantern to our feet and a light unto our path. You are inviting God into your mind and heart, and I pray that he will richly anoint you.

**as a side note, when you see a someone kiss a bible (sometimes deacons or priests or bishops do this) then normally say this Psalm to themselves as they do it…your Word is sweeter to my mouth than honey!

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