Sunday, June 2, 2013

DAY 153
2 Chronicles 17 & 18 and John 13:1-20
The title for today’s blog was taken from the title of a sermon Father Peter Pierson preached on Maundy Thursday this year. It struck me. I am used to people drawing attention to Peter’s remarks, or even the Lord’s action. Yet, for whatever reason, I had not noticed the text. It starts by acknowledging that Satan had entered Judas, and then Jesus immediately washes all the disciple’s feet. Tomorrow this narrative pickups with Judas going to “do the deed.” So there it is, as a “sandwich” almost. Jesus washes the feet of his betrayer.
The point of that night is “love one another.” It is the new commandment. We call it “Maundy” Thursday because the word Maundy is a shorthand form of the Latin for Commandment. Jesus shows his ability to love.
Not to put too sharp a point on it, but would you let Jesus wash your feet? For many years now I have been the one washing feet; in our tradition the priest does so as an act of humility. It is to remind us that we are not “greater than our Master” who washed the disciples feet. For myself I am not sure what is harder: washing feet or having my feet washed? Would I really let the King of the World wash my feet? Yet this is exactly what Peter struggled with and Jesus said that He must wash Simon’s.
Today, spend a moment and allow Jesus in. Ponder that he knowingly washed the feet of his betrayer. Ponder that he died for the “sins of the world”…my sins and your sins…and so in many ways we share in death. The point is to allow Him who died for you to wash away the grime, the gunk, and all that embarrasses you.

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