Friday, September 6, 2013

DAY 250
Psalm 148, 149 & 150 and 1 Corinthians 15:29-58
We have reached the end of the psalms, and they end in a cacophony of praise.
In 1 Corinthians we come to some interesting and somewhat, at first, confusing readings. What on earth is this “baptism of the dead?” There are a couple of possibilities, but really only one point. Let’s start with the possibilities.
It is possible that some Christians may have died without being baptized. Consider for example someone who professed Jesus as Lord, but had not yet gone through the ceremony. Maybe some people were baptized on their behalf. If this was the practice it doesn’t seem to have lasted very long. Or maybe it refers to people who were non-Christians, whose close relatives or spouses, who were Christians and died…maybe those non-Christians were baptized in order that they would be united with their loved ones in eternity. Or maybe…or maybe the point is that something that they were doing makes no sense unless there is really a resurrection. It seems to me that this is the point. Yes I would like to know exactly what is being written about, but I need to remember that thrust of the chapter is about the reality of resurrection. There really is resurrection!
The next bit has to do with what a “resurrected body” will be like. We hear of seed sown and how what is grown is different. We hear of the difference between earthly and heavenly bodies. What is going on here? Quite simply resurrection does not equal resuscitation. Lazarus, when Jesus raised him from the dead, was resuscitated. He was the same after being brought back to life. Resurrection is different.
Resurrection is equal to transformation. Resurrection is new life. If we saw ourselves for who we really are when resurrected, I imagine we would be speechless. Resurrection is the power that transforms us into who God really created us to be, as fully human. It is this reality that this chapter has been driving to. Think back to all the trouble in this church. There is quite a bit. Paul takes them, in chapters 12-14 to how to be church and be Christian. Now he points out just exactly “who they are” – this is pretty serious stuff.

You and I are created for eternity with God…that is what the resurrection is about…therefore death has no power for the victory has been won by Jesus. If yesterday the Cross was the Crux of the matter, today the Resurrection is the Apex!

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