Friday, September 20, 2013

DAY 264
Ecclesiastes 4, 5 & 6 and 2 Corinthians 12
Today in Ecclesiastes we see the preacher struggle with evil…it is everywhere and it is a bit discouraging, but don’t give up yet, we have not finished the book.
Pushing into 2 Corinthians leads me to see what is going on and Paul’s approach. The stage that has been set is that there are spiritual leaders in Corinth leading the people astray. Apparently they are very impressive.
Paul has “boasted” a bit. He boasted in chapter 11 and in this chapter, verse 1, he goes onto visions and revelations. But then he says, “I knew a man who 14 years ago was caught up to the third heaven,” to which you might say, “Huh?” What is the third heaven—I do not know. And isn’t 14 years a bit of a long time? It is, and Paul then switches to his weakness, and how he asked God to remove a “thorn.”
What is the point of all this? It seems to be a bit of rambling. Here is how I understand it. Paul since chapter 10 has been taking issue with people who have been leading the Corinthian church astray. He hints at the fact that they are somehow continuing to sin at the end of chapter 12. His issue is that these “super-apostles” (cf. 11:5) who perhaps “are impressive” because they see visions—these are leading them astray. Paul is concerned for his flock.
And so he points them to God. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” is what God proclaims. We know from the Old Testament that God often works through the least and the lost. The point is do not be overly taken by “super spiritual people.” Being dependent upon God is good and should be the norm for all of us. I can remember holding onto that verse in the dark days of my divorce. I felt utterly weak. It was God who carried me through. And it was that experience which has greatly deepened my faith in God. If I believe in God more than I did years ago, it is because of my weakness.
What impresses you? Super-apostles or is it God’s presence when you are weak? 

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